Leonardo and the Zapper.

It was a night, one of those nights, that should make a tale,

Leo was running silently through the trees and saw two things that should be in jail,

Two Foot ninjas with a Zapper, one of those dreadful Zappers, he silently griped his swords,

He sneaked in the foliage, getting closer and closer, without saying a word,

Once he got close enough, so close, he could grab them by the arm,

Then with a POUNCE! He tackled a solider, Then the other turned in great alarm,

The ninja was suddenly pointing it’s weapon, right at Leo’s throat,

But it was to late, for the ninja he tackled, was already past hope,

Then Leo back-flipped back! Ready for attack! In a steady stance state,

Then Leo pounced again right at the nick-of-time! For the ninja was to late,

The ninja fell, and Leo got the Zapper, for how much trouble it could cause,

Leo returned home, and when the others saw what he held, the hole team was in joyful applause,

And that night, Mikey wrote in his journal, that Leo got the gun before they could zap,

Don said that his bro should have a medal of honor! But Leo would settle for a nap,


( a zapper is a weapon the Foot uses to make people in bad moods and fight with each other)

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I love cupcakes and any chocolate or baked goods! I am good at drawing, editing photos and videos, cooking, and writing. My favorite cartoon of all time is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I love cats! they are so pretty! And I am a big retro video game collector.( mostly Nintendo) I am also a [new] fan of Sonic the Hedgehog.

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